Schedule in Brief

Sunday, July 28

 9 a.m. Worship 

Pastor Joel is on vacation beginning July 28.  While Pastor Joel is away, if you have a pastoral emergency, please call the church office during regular office hours to be put in contact with the pastor on call. After hours, please contact Anneke Fleming, Council President.

Monday, July 29

  Barb is working 8 to 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, July 31

  6:30 p.m. GermanFest meeting

Sunday, August 4

9 a.m. Worship

1st Sunday Social after church


Looking Ahead:

September 7th -- GermanFest from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  How can you help with preparations before or that day?  Sign-ups are in the Narthex!

Barb works from home on Tuesdays and Thursday.